8. Meet Fatty: The Adored Neighborhood Dog

March 17, 2023

Pets in modern society

In recent years, raising pets has become a popular trend in many communities, including my own neighborhood. It appears that more and more people are recognizing the benefits of pet ownership, such as companionship, better physical health, and stress relief. It’s not uncommon to see people walking and playing with their dogs in public places.

Fatty: A Cute Neighborhood Dog

During my regular walks around the neighborhood, I have had the pleasure of getting to know Fatty (뚱이 in Korean), the beloved toy poodle of the community. In fact, she has gained quite popularity amongst the locals due to her friendly behavior and cute appearance. Despite her name, Fatty looks (at least to me) relatively slim, although she does have a bit of a pudgy belly that makes her even more charming to me.

Fatty’s Habits

One of Fatty’s habits is her morning routine. Every morning, rain or shine, Fatty’s mommy (Mrs. Hanee Kim) takes her for a walk around the neighborhood. Mrs. Hanee tells me that Fatty has become so accustomed to this routine that she often waits eagerly by the door, tail wagging, until Mrs. Hanee is ready to take her out. During her walks, Fatty likes to sniff around in the grass, and quietly greet other dogs and their owners.  Occasionally, she likes to visit the nearby beach where she can run alongside her mom and friend, savoring the fresh sea breeze and the soothing sound of waves crashing on the shore (and our laughter).

Fatty running around the nearby beach with her mommy and me
Fatty playing with her mommy in parking space of the apartment

Fatty’s Favorites

When it comes to her favorite foods, Fatty is not a picky eater at all. She enjoys a wide range of vegetables, including cabbages, carrots, cucumbers, and many more. However, she also has a weakness for less healthy treats that I prepare, such as crispy bits of bacon, juicy cuts of beef, or tender chicken.

Although Fatty is not a particularly large dog, she is amazingly energetic and loves to play. Her favorite activities include going on walks with Mrs. Hanee, playing fetch with me and our neighbors, and getting plenty of exercise. When she’s not playing or on the move, Fatty can often be found lounging in the sun or snuggled up on the couch for a nap.  

Meaning of Fatty’s Barking

It is widely known that dogs tend to bark as a means of expressing emotions, communicating with other dogs, marking their territory, or drawing attention to themselves or surrounding sounds. However, Fatty appears to be an exception to this rule as she rarely barks except when she is at home with Mrs. Hanee. According to Mrs. Hanee, Fatty’s occasional barking is likely due to her protective nature towards Mrs. Hanee, her beloved mommy. This behavior does seem unusual. But I guess it is not uncommon for dogs to display unique and sometimes unexpected traits that endear them to their owners.

Fatty has become a cherished friend of mine who never fails to uplift my spirits with her joyful character and adorable behavior.